If unsuccessful, moves the file to the Virus Chest or deletes the file if neither action is successful.
Fix automatically: attempts to repair the file.
Actions: to configure automatic responses to any threats detected by the scan, ensure Perform automatic actions during this scan is ticked, then select one of the following:.
Auto start programs: allows Avast to scan programs that automically start when you turn on your computer.
Scan areas: select All Harddisks or System drive to specify which data space you want the scan to analyze.
Unpack archive files: ensure this box is ticked if you want Avast to unpack compressed files during the scan.
Scan for potentially unwanted programs (PUPs): ensure this box is ticked if you want Boot-Time Scan to look for programs that are stealthily downloaded with other programs and typically perform unwanted activity.
Heuristics enable Avast to detect unknown malware by analyzing code for commands which may indicate malicious intent.
Sensitivity: use the slider to indicate your preferred level of heuristic sensitivity.
Click Settings (the gear icon) on the right-hand side of the screen.
Adjust Boot-Time Scan settings Boot Time Scan For Avast 2017 To skip the scan, press the Esc key on your keyboard.