To continue further, please buy a license from. In this mode you can play the game freely until your character reaches level 6. Ui_notification_trial_mode|Mount&Blade Warband is currently running in Trial Mode. Ui_mount_and_blade_is_ready|Mount&Blade Warband is ready. Ui_cant_write_to_registry|Can't Write to Registry! Ui_incorrect_activation_code|Incorrect Activation Code! Ui_incorrect_hardware_hash|Incorrect Hardware Hash! Ui_incorrect_serial_number|Incorrect Serial Key! If all else fails, you may always use manual activation. If you are using a firewall, you many need to give the game permission to access the internet. Ui_notification_unable_to_connect_to_activation_server2|Please make sure that your internet connection is active and working properly and try again. Ui_notification_unable_to_connect_to_activation_server|Unable to connect to activation server!

You must wait for a few weeks to reactivate the game on this computer. Ui_notification_serial_already_used|Serial Key already used for another computer. You may need it again in the future if you want to install Mount&Blade Warband on a new computer. Ui_activation_successful2|Please keep your serial key for future reference. Ui_activation_successful|The game has been activated successfuly. Ui_offline_activation_caption|Offline Activation Ui_manual_activation_caption|Manual Activation Ui_notification_serial_offline|If this computer does not have access to the Internet you can also use: Ui_notification_serial_internet_connection|Activation requires an active Internet Connection! Ui_notification_serial_input|Enter your serial key below (you can copy & paste it) and click on Activate button Ui_trialmode4|If you have any questions about the activation process, you can read.

Ui_trialmode2|In order to activate the game now. Ui_launch_faq|Activation Frequently Asked Questions Your unique, 16-digit serial key is included inside your boxed copy.\nIf you don't wish to activate the game now for any reason, you can still continue to play the game in trial mode, however you won't be able to advance past character level 8. Ui_trialmode|Please take a moment to activate Mount&Blade Warband with your serial key. Ui_enable_sound_variation|Enable Sound Variation Ui_enable_pixel_shaders|Use Pixel Shaders Ui_enable_edit_mode|Enable Edit Mode (Be warned, this slows down the game.)